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The Forgiveness Seminar

By Dr. Don Dunlap
Pastoral Counseling
Schedule your church or organization now for the 'Forgiveness Seminar'. Call 850.562-2782

Family Counseling Ministries   -

Here is one pastor’s evaluation:

"The 'Forgiveness Seminar' is the heart of God for His people! All of Scripture is given to tell us about God’s desire to restore the broken relationship between God and mankind. When Adam and Eve sinned, they severed their relationship with God. In order to be reconciled to Him, Adam and Eve needed forgiveness for their sins. So it is when sin or offenses exist between others and ourselves. Without forgiveness, our relationships are broken. Our own sin and disobedience separate us from one another. 

The ''Forgiveness Seminar' demonstrates in very practical ways, how to appropriate forgiveness in all our relationships, thereby freeing us and others to be authentically one in Christ. 

During our association with Dr. Dunlap, we have seen many lives changed, marriages saved, and parent-child relationships restored. Praise the Lord, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He modeled forgiveness and has now equipped us to pass it on through the principles we learned in this seminar." 

Another pastor comments:

"Dr. Dunlap brought to our church, thousands of hours of experience in the counseling field. His practical and witty method of presenting the Biblical principles of forgiveness was received enthusiastically by everyone who attended. 

One of our senior ladies remarked, 'I wish I had heard teaching on forgiveness like this years ago!' As a pastor, I have used Dr. Dunlap’s material in my counseling sessions with tremendous effectiveness. I wholeheartedly recommend him to any congregation. Great things will come out of it. 

Reasons for the Forgiveness Seminar: 

1.       A lack of forgiveness is among the most serious sins a Christian can commit.

2.       An unforgiving spirit leads to some of the most severe emotional and spiritual problems a person can experience.

3.       Understanding forgiveness delivers people from the "victim mentality" that is so prevalent in our world today, and leads them to accept personal responsibility for their actions.

4.     When we learn about biblical forgiveness, we are better able to understand the sovereignty of God in a believer’s life.

5.    Many Christians have a simplistic, incomplete understanding of the forgiveness process, thus denying themselves the benefits they could be reaping from their trials.

6.     When we know how to forgive others scripturally, we have the essential skills to deal with conflict in our homes, our churches, and our communities.

7.     In learning to forgive, we find the cure for rage, anger, and hostility.

8.       Many churches have been through conflicts and even church splits. Understanding biblical forgiveness provides the tools necessary to walk through such trials in a way that honors God. 

This workshop focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to recover from emotional hurt,
and derive the greatest benefits from our trials.

Questions addressed in the seminar:

Is forgiving our parents really significant?

How do sexually abused people forgive their abusers?

How could a loving God allow abuse to occur?

Have I forgiven someone because I no longer have resentment, anger, or bitterness toward him/her?

Should I confront the person who has offended me?

Must I forgive someone who is unrepentant and unwilling to admit to the offense?

Have I truly forgiven someone if I cannot forget the offense that occurred?

Doesn't forgiveness involve eventually forgetting the offense that took place?

Do I have to go to the people I forgive and tell them that I forgive them?

When people violate my rights, isn’t it my responsibility to demonstrate tough love by confronting them?

How can I have a positive attitude toward the person I forgive?

How can I derive benefits from the offenses I endure?

Are there any physical health consequences that result from maintaining an unforgiving spirit?

A complete study guide is presented to each seminar participant. 

These are life-changing truths. Schedule your workshop now! Call Dr. Dunlap at 850-562-2782.

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